I am grateful to have been invited to teach a workshop at Bass Coast Festival, in July 2024. The pristine Coldwater River in Merritt, BC, and the professional production of the event drew me in.
Arriving Wednesday with a girlfriend was a relaxing way to start the weekend. We set up our tents and walked around the venue. The river was so enticing that we decided to float our inner tubes down on the first day, an exhilarating and a beautiful way to escape the intense heat of the sun.
The next day, I brought my supplies to the workshop area, called The Brain, and saw a few people waiting for it to start. One girl in particilar told me that she had set an alarm as this was the workshop at the festival that called to her the most. She said she absolutely loves squares and cubes and can't wait to learn more about them.
My amazing friend and assistant Kiera helped to lay out the drawing supplies while I set up my computer to access the slideshow which would be projected.
When 1pm came, I was happily shocked to see that the venue was packed, and 80% of the supplies used. Speaking into the mic, I let go of any fears and let the information flow, while instructing the drawing of a 3D cube vortex.
An hour later, I realized we would be done early and answered some questions, which focused on the life path numbers as the discussion headed a bit of a different direction.
It was amazing! I felt so happy afterwards, and even more inspired than ever to keep teaching drawing classes.
A huge thank you to everyone who attended at Bass Coast and sunk with me into the energy of the Cube and the Square.